Our Work

Indigenous people, who have been neglected by civilization, inhabit the Amazon. They call themselves “the forgotten people.” The river is their only highway, and boat travel is their only transportation. Even the developed nation of Brazil has somewhat forgotten these people, as they lack access to modern medicine, basic needs, and the conveniences found in the larger developed cities in the southern part of Brazil. There are an estimated 30,000 villages on the banks of the Amazon River with no Gospel presence. We have several ways you can physically serve and share Christ with them. 


Evangelism is at the heart of everything Amazon Outreach does. Every ministry shares Christ in a variety of ways, but each mission team has a specific Evangelism Team to develop relationships with villagers and open the doors to the gospel. These small teams go from home to home, meeting families while we are in their village. From there, conversations begin, walls are torn down and hearts are opened to hear about Christ’s love, mercy, and grace for them.

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Medical Missions

Our Brazilian church partners call Amazon Outreach “The Crowbar Ministry” because medical care opens up the door to the gospel.

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In every village, men are hungry to hear about American life and eager to share their lives with us. A few male team members gather groups of village men to break down the existing cultural barriers. They talk about hunting and fishing, leading to deeper conversations about fatherhood, marriage, and spiritual topics.


In every village, women are excited to hear about American life and eager to share stories about theirs. Sometimes, teams creatively break down the existing cultural barriers. Often, teams will have a “beauty shop” where they style hair or paint nails. We also gather groups of village women together. They talk about their daily lives, which in turn leads to deeper conversations about motherhood, marriage, and spiritual topics.


Team members engage the children in every village with songs, games, and Bible stories. Every morning and afternoon, our teams host sessions where friendships are built, testimonies are shared, and the gospel is creatively presented. We are sharing the love of Christ with children who plant seeds for future generations of Christians on the river.

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Every village has kids on the periphery of VBS or adult ministry who feel they don’t have a place. Many are young mothers. Gathering these teens for activities and conversations allows them to open up and see they can have dreams and a personal relationship with Jesus. We want to inspire young people to experience God's presence in their lives and put their hope, love, and faith in Jesus Christ

Water Well Ministry

During our 23 years of ministry along the Amazon, we discovered a virtually limitless need for clean water wells. The expensive drilling process and supplies mean the villagers cannot meet this need without help. Providing clean, safe drinking water creates a critical need for time and money resources.  Amazon Outreach wants to meet this urgent need for clean water, and we can do so with your help.  

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