September 29, 2020

Lia stirred the hearts of our staff as she described how God was still using AO in the midst of the pandemic. 

Vera asked for money “wood faced”, as Brazilians say. In the U.S. we would describe it as blatantly asking with no apologies or embarrassment, much like the persistent widow in Luke 18. Vera needed money to buy kids’ school supplies. Having spent all of her own money building a church and buying other supplies, Vera was simply going to ask everyone! 

When Lia Dantas, AO's Staff Nurse and Director of Translators heard about Vera, she gleefully went to the boat, packed her trunk with pharmaceuticals and other supplies and went to offer aid.

 God has called Vera to build a church for the seven plus indigenous groups residing in a severely impoverished area outside Manaus, called “The Invasion Area” or “The Park of Tribes”. Here, indigenous tribes journey to Manaus seeking a better life and take up residence in the undeveloped land. The homes they build bear resemblance to wooden or brick boxes where they live in abject poverty with limited access to water and electricity.

Vera has been trusting God’s plan. This hard working missionary preaches, sings, leads Sunday School classes and teaches the children during the week. Lia’s visit with food, medicines and school supplies brought so much encouragement. Vera was overwhelmed with gratitude.  

Vera is just one of many bold missionaries sacrificially serving in very difficult areas. Your partnership with AO is bringing much needed supplies and encouragement to these servants of God. Join with us as we pray for Vera, and all the rest who are serving on the front lines.

 Our desire is that...

“ The Park of Tribes”, will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the Amazon.” Habakkuk 2:14 (AO version)


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