Our Why

Amazon FAQs

Our passion is for...

"The villages will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the Amazon" (Hab. 2:14 AO Paraphrase). 

According to the Joshua Project, there is only a 9.8% evangelical presence among the 7 million Ribeirinhos (River People) in the Amazon River Basin.  However, God is moving in the state of Amazonas, Brazil.  Evangelical Christianity has grown to 17.5% among the state's 7600+ river villages.  Even more encouraging is that growth is projected to reach 50% over the next decade. 

We’re one of the few ministries mobilizing the American church to the Amazon.  Over the past two decades, we've been honored to mobilize over 360 teams with over 7200 volunteers ministering to over 250,000 villagers.  However,  we’ve only scratched the surface and invite you to join in this movement of God in the Amazon River Basin. 

  • 0Short-Term Mission Trips
  • 0Villages Visited
  • 0Water Wells Drilled
  • 0Villagers Ministered To
  • 0People Received Medical Treatment

What We Do

Amazon Outreach mobilizes short-term mission teams to assist Brazilian churches in making disciples by sharing the love of Jesus in the Amazon River Basin. We use Jesus' holistic approach to meet physical, relational, and spiritual needs simultaneously. We meet physical needs through medical, dental, and eyeglasses and provide clean, safe drinking water. We meet relational needs through men's, women's, children's, and sports ministries. Meeting physical and relational needs builds a powerful bridge for the gospel. 

“People will not believe the words of your mouth until they feel the touch of your hands.”  Dr. (Richard Walker, missionary to Brazil)


  • Because the river is so vast and rises and falls 40 feet each year, the villages are hard to reach and navigate 
  • Many villages are inaccessible by roads
  • There are very few organizations like Amazon Outreach ministering to these people groups

Why We Go?

  • The people along the Amazon call themselves “The Forgotten People.”
  • These humble Ribeirinhos (river people)  live in deep material and spiritual poverty. 
  • Villages are often closed to local missionaries but are very open to our American teams with medical, dental, and water wells (Missionaries call us “The Crow Bar Ministry”) 
  • Villagers have a syncretized religion of Spiritism, Macumba (voodoo), and a diluted Catholicism...they are ripe for the gospel of Jesus Christ! 
  • The great majority of the population has no access to the gospel
  • They also do not have access to medical or dental care
  • Most villages do not have access to  fresh, clean drinking water 
  • Many children die before the age of five because of water-related illnesses