2023 Impact Report

Their Love For Their People

The land we now own directly results from what you and Jesus did on the river.

For years, AO has needed a permanent mission base to dock the boats, store supplies, and load the teams, but time and time again, the Lord closed the door. At the end of a three-year search, one piece of land that seemed perfect was found. The drawback was that it was twice the cost we had budgeted. Last April, the board made a difficult decision. AO would give up the dream of owning a Mission Base and renovating the floating barge to dock the boats.

The backstory on the new Mission Base. Angela is the Brazilian attorney and the realtor we hired in 2021 to track down and negotiate a site for our new base. In 2023 Angela went on an AO trip near Parintins. As the trip came to a close, God impressed upon her to go back to the land she’d negotiated. She felt God was telling her this land was Amazon Outreach’s and she needed to try again.
Angela talked to the owner of the property. She wanted him to know it wasn’t a company wanting to buy the land, but a group of people who loved the villagers along the river. She showed him pictures from her trip and explained how these teams share Jesus as they provide medical care and drill water wells. He realized these teams were the hands and feet of Christ and his land would be used to help serve his people. 
He decided to sell the base for the amount of money it cost him to build the road, buildings, and the retaining wall on the land. The land we purchased was worth $1 million and we purchased it for $300,000!
Because you serve on the Amazon, hearts, and lives are transformed as more people find Jesus and the joy and peace he offers. 

Your Legacy

In 2023 you reached 20,800 villagers with the FAITH HOPE & LOVE of Jesus.

“He will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
Hebrews 6:10

Take Your Next Step


Children heard the gospel through VBS


Received comfort and healing through medical care


Received Oral Care


Given the Gift of Sight

Jump Aboard

31 trips heading out in 2024

(12 trips still have room for you)

Join One Of These Trips

31 Teams on 24 Trips

22 Teams from Texas
1 Team from AL
1 Team from MA
4 Team from AR
2 Team from FL
1 Team from LA

28 Churches

2 companies
2 Schools
1 Women’s Trip

3 Brazilian Partners

IPM - Igreja Presbiteriana de Manaus
(Presbyterian Church of Manaus)

PIB Parintins - Primeira Igreja Batista de Parintins
(First Baptist Church of Parintins)

MCT - Missão Confins da Terra
(Mission to the Ends of the Earth)

12 Brazilian Pastors

Abimael, Acai, Mario, Emerson, Rogerio, Raimundo, Eustaquio, Flavio, Jose Carlos, Franklin, Ivan, Leite

Teams Went


Villages Visited


Water Wells


Food Packs


Messenger Bibles



In April of 2023, we launched the campaign silent phase. We thank the generous donors who created our $2 million lead gift. In November, we launched publicly, and many more of you jumped on board.

  • 77 Donors Committed to the Campaign
  • $2.6 million in commitments
  • Over $1.6 million received
  • Mission Base purchased
  • Plans to start building the new boat in 2024
  • 20,800 villagers were reached with the FAITH, HOPE & LOVE of Jesus

Learn More About the Campaign