Faith Hope & Love Campaign

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Over the past seven years, Amazon Outreach has tripled. Now, we're turning churches away due to our maximized mission boat schedules. This means villages are missing the opportunity to be reached with the Hope of Jesus.

Our solution is to raise $4,000,000 over the next three years to build a Boat, a Base, and a Budget.

Hear About the Solution

Straight from the Amazon

Campaign Updates

Build a Boat...So Let It Rain!

BOAT... The Fé e Esperança (Faith and Hope) will impact 10,000 more villagers a year with the gospel. 

See the New Base

BASE... Expanding the mission requires increasing the infrastructure. This property will anchor the boats, store supplies, and board teams.



$3.3 M in commitments to the $4 M goal has been raised
$2.5 M of those commitments have been received
2025 operations are fully covered
All 2025 FH & L donations will go directly to the building of the new boat, Fé e Esperança

Ways to Give

BUDGET... Mobilize 2,000 people over the next 3 years.

We are looking for Kingdom Investors to make three year commitments given either: Monthly, Annually or Lump Sum

Gift Matching Opportunity

The Match

FOR ALL FIRST TIME DONORS...The generous sponsors from last year will again match all gifts MADE BY NEW DONORS up to $80,000!